Finite-Dimensional Hopf Algebras

  • Yuqiu Wei Guangxi University of Foreign Languages
  • Beishang Ren Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou
Article ID: 3052
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Keywords: Finite-dimensional Hopf algebras, Order of the antipode, Trace, Semisimple, Cosemisimple, Eigenvalue, Distinguished grouplike


This paper mainly discussed various characterizations for the finite-dimensional Hopf algebras over algebraically closed field and has characteristic 0. And further showed that the order of antipode of the Hopf algebras is finite, but also provides a hint on how to estimate the order of the antipodes.


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How to Cite
Wei, Y., & Ren, B. (2022). Finite-Dimensional Hopf Algebras. Learning & Education, 10(8), 30-33.