Analysis and Research on the Educational Function of Students' Organization in Colleges and Universities

  • Guang Li Shandong Jiaotong University
  • Chuansha Bo Shandong Jiaotong University
Article ID: 2603
Keywords: Student education function


At present, with the advent of the information and media era, the student groups of secondary colleges and universities in China increasingly emphasize their own personalized and independent development. The school also needs to meet the requirements that all professional skills and social practice ability can be competent under the new environment. As the carrier of cultivating students' organizational ability and affairs management ability, relevant student organizations must improve their own development mechanism, improve their own measures and expand their educational function.
How to Cite
Li, G., & Bo, C. (2021). Analysis and Research on the Educational Function of Students’ Organization in Colleges and Universities. Learning & Education, 10(4), 242-243.


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