Strengthen the Ideological Position of Higher Education Through Telling the Story of the Chinese Communist Party

Article ID: 2376
Keywords: The story of the Communist Party of China, Marxism, ideology, Position


The centuries-old story of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) contains a prosperous educational value which is a treasure for college ideological and political lecturers to educate college students and it is also a piece of essential equipment to build a solid ideological position among the higher education system in China. Telling the CCP’s struggle story positively can cultivate college students’ sense of historical responsibility for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Telling the story of the CCP’s spiritual genes would help enhance college students’ cultural confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics. Tell the CCP’s story about serving the people could encourage college students to establish a mass historical outlook and pay attention to people’s feelings. The in-depth study and application of the Marxist view of history, culture and party theory could guide the teaching of the CCP story in ideological and political classes. It also contributes to avoid the influence of various ideological trends in China. Building a firm ideological position in colleges is undoubtedly an essential and critical link in the extremely important work. In order to establish a strong position, it is necessary to clear the correct thinking. As ideological and political teachers in colleges and universities, we must attach importance to politics, respond from a theoretical perspective, and overcome the practical problems. Tell the party’s story well, consolidate the ideological position of colleges and universities, and clarify the ideology of college students.
How to Cite
Wang, D. (2021). Strengthen the Ideological Position of Higher Education Through Telling the Story of the Chinese Communist Party. Learning & Education, 10(3), 10-13.


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