Research on the Effect of Tourism Industry on Economic Growth

  • Hongtao Liu Shanghai Himalaya Technology Co., Ltd.
Article ID: 2149
Keywords: Tourism Industry, Economic Growth, Relational role


After the reform and opening up, the tourism industry has developed rapidly, and the status of tourism in the national economic system has become increasingly prominent. With the rapid economic development, the rise of service-oriented tourism industry has driven the development of the world economy. Tourism is an important driving force to promote regional economic growth. Research on the effect of tourism industry development on economic growth is of great significance to the promotion of regional economy and tourism development. The study expounds the definition of the connotation of the tourism industry, discusses the promotion of the development of the tourism industry to economic growth, and proposes countermeasures to accelerate the development of the tourism industry and promote economic growth in response to the problems in the development of the tourism industry.
How to Cite
Liu, H. (2021). Research on the Effect of Tourism Industry on Economic Growth. Learning & Education, 10(1), 89-90.


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