Strategic Planning Of Educational Organization:A Case Study In Chengdu Private Schools

Article ID: 3569
Keywords: Strategic Planning; Educational Institution; Sustainable Development


The implementation of strategic planning is of paramount importance in the enhancement of a company’s competitive advantage, particularly within the context of an educational institution. This study employed a case study methodology by interviewing three senior managers to investigate the manner in which private schools in Chengdu integrate strategic planning with the objective of sustainable development. The findings indicated that the strategic planning of these schools is systematic, emphasizing broad stakeholder, effective resource management, sustainable assessment and feedback, and adaptive capacity. Ultimately, the findings of this research can assist educational institutions in formulating superior strategic plans and acquiring a more comprehensive grasp of the mechanisms and motivations through which internal and external environmental factors influence school development.

How to Cite
Liu, Y. (2024). Strategic Planning Of Educational Organization:A Case Study In Chengdu Private Schools. Learning & Education, 13(3). Retrieved from


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