Off - balance - sheet Information Disclosure of Listed Bank Derivative Financial Instruments

  • Chaohuan Yan Wenzhou Medical University
  • Yiyan Jiang Wenzhou Medical University
Ariticle ID: 3065
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Keywords: Commercial banks, Derivative financial instruments, Off-balance sheet information disclosure


With China’s progressive multi-level capital market strategic direction, as well as the gradual implementation of the mixed operation of commercial banks. Derivative financial instruments will be further developed in commercial banks. This paper focuses on the information disclosure of derivative financial instruments by commercial banks, combined with the standard of disclosure of off-balance-sheet information of international derivative financial instruments, using the disclosure index and project disclosure ratio to analyze the disclosure of derivative financial instruments of listed banks in our country, Off-balance sheet information disclosure, and puts forward suggestions on how to further improve the quality of off-balance-sheet information disclosure of derivative financial instruments in China.


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