Research on the Construction of Service-oriented Student Party Branch in the New Era

  • Guang Li Shandong JiaoDong University
  • Liping Zhang Shandong JiaoDong University
Article ID: 2856
Keywords: Service-oriented Party branch in the new period


The construction of service-oriented party organization was put forward after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. As one of the grass-roots party construction, the student Party branch in Colleges and universities should gradually establish a comprehensive and service-oriented Party branch under the call of the party and the leadership of the party organizations of secondary relevant colleges and departments in Colleges and universities, so as to strengthen and deepen the reform.
How to Cite
Li, G., & Zhang, L. (2022). Research on the Construction of Service-oriented Student Party Branch in the New Era. Learning & Education, 10(6), 177-178.


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