Current Situation and Improvement Strategy of English Listening Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges

  • Wenjun Gu Xian Institute of Translation
Article ID: 2845
Keywords: Higher vocational English, The status of hearing teaching, Improvement strategy


Listening itself is a very important input skill, and students’ basic English language ability affects their English learning effect.Even, students ‘hearing level will determine the quality and quantity of their language input to a certain extent, and can directly determine the level of students’ language learning.However, at present, higher vocational students face more problems in English listening teaching, which requires teachers to have a comprehensive understanding of these problems, take measures to improve the status situation of listening teaching, do a good job in teaching organization, and help students improve their English learning level.Based on this, this article studies the current situation and improvement strategy of English listening teaching in higher vocational colleges for reference.
How to Cite
Gu, W. (2022). Current Situation and Improvement Strategy of English Listening Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges. Learning & Education, 10(6), 155-156.


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