Comparative Analysis of Governance Structure of Open Universities at Home and Abroad

  • Jiayue Wei Zhejiang Open University
  • Jiamin Huang Zhejiang Open University
Article ID: 2722
Keywords: Open University, Governance structure, Education


In the development process of higher education, open university is an important form of higher education system. Learning from the educational ideas of foreign open universities can provide reference for the development of open universities in China. The internal governance structure of open universities is based on the talent training plan of colleges and universities, perfecting the modern university system and constructing the core education concept. Through a detailed analysis of the internal governance structure of open universities at home and abroad, this paper compares the operation modes of the internal governance structure of open universities, hoping to improve the school running management system of open universities and promote the development of open universities in China.
How to Cite
Wei, J., & Huang, J. (2022). Comparative Analysis of Governance Structure of Open Universities at Home and Abroad. Learning & Education, 10(5), 169-170.


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