Critical Analysis on the Phenomenon of High Household Debt Caused by High Housing Price in China using Marx’s Capital Cycle Theory

  • Jinxia Lei School of Marxism, Xi’an University of Architectural Science and Technology
Article ID: 2601
Keywords: Resident, High debt, Marx, Capital cycle


Chinese households have appeared the phenomenon of high debt ratio with the years continuous economic growth, especially the rapid rise of housing prices and the popularity of real estate mortgage loans in recent years. The main performance is the expansion of household debt scale, the transformation of household debt to housing loans and the excessive growth of household debt burden. This phenomenon seriously affects the healthy development of China’s economy. The high debt caused by high housing price, unreasonable debt structure and debt crisis leads to the currency amount reduction and interruption of the capital cycle, thus affecting the healthy development of China’s economy.
How to Cite
Lei, J. (2021). Critical Analysis on the Phenomenon of High Household Debt Caused by High Housing Price in China using Marx’s Capital Cycle Theory. Learning & Education, 10(4), 238-239.


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