The Innovation of Ideological and Political Education Mode in Colleges and Universities in the Era of Big Data

  • Zengqiang Kong Dongguan City College
Article ID: 2580
Keywords: Big data, University thought, Political education, Mode


With the continuous development of China’s economy, the national living standard has been generally improved, and the development of computer technology has changed people’s way of life.At the same time in the journey of education reform in our country, the application of network technology, China’s education reform has a new development direction, in the process of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, related teachers need to constantly innovative teaching mode to curriculum targeted teaching, so as to cultivate a batch of excellent talents.This paper will explore the innovation and development of ideological and political education mode in universities in the era of big data, and the relevant methods are for reference only.
How to Cite
Kong, Z. (2021). The Innovation of Ideological and Political Education Mode in Colleges and Universities in the Era of Big Data. Learning & Education, 10(4), 196-197.


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