The Design Style of Tang Dynasty Gold and Silverware from the Gilt Double Fox Pattern Double Peach-shaped Silver Plate

  • Chenlu Wei Jingdezhen University of Ceramics
Article ID: 2574
Keywords: Gold and silver, Design style, Gilt double fox pattern double peach shaped silver plate


The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of China’s economic development, and countless brilliant and elegant gold and silver objects became an important testimony to the splendid and colorful culture of the Tang Dynasty. The gold and silver wares of this period were chic in shape, beautifully decorated, rich in subject matter and very characteristic of the times in design. This is inseparable from the economy, culture and thought of the Tang Dynasty. This paper starts from the gilt double fox pattern double peach-shaped silver plate excavated from Hejiacun in the Tang Dynasty, and briefly analyzes the design characteristics of the gold and silver wares in the Tang Dynasty and the important factors influencing their design styles.
How to Cite
Wei, C. (2021). The Design Style of Tang Dynasty Gold and Silverware from the Gilt Double Fox Pattern Double Peach-shaped Silver Plate. Learning & Education, 10(4), 184-185.


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