An Introduction to the Stylistic Features of Furniture from the Neoclassical Period

  • Yiying Lai Jingdezhen University of Ceramics
Article ID: 2572
Keywords: Neoclassical period, Furniture style, Styling, Decoration


The neoclassical style is distinctly temporal and spatial, an evolutionary pattern that is unmatched by any previous furniture style. It is unique in its commonality as a stylistic art of its time. It highlights the role of straight lines and rectangles in furniture design, modeling, decoration are to be linear and flat as the basic structure, at the same time, reasonable with the regular curve and surface, the use of carving, wood inlay, mosaic, lacquer decoration and other decorative techniques to form a refined style, proportional harmony, elegant modeling, fine workmanship, exquisite decorative style features. It has great significance for our modern design.
How to Cite
Lai, Y. (2021). An Introduction to the Stylistic Features of Furniture from the Neoclassical Period. Learning & Education, 10(4), 180-181.


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