Discussion on the Infiltration Path of Humanistic Quality Education in Aerobics Teaching in Colleges and Universities

  • Jin Li Physical Education Department, Shanghai Maritime University
Article ID: 2569
Keywords: Humanistic quality education, Aerobics Teaching in Colleges and universities, Infiltration path


Aerobics is deeply loved by college students in recent years. In the rhythm of dance and the beauty of gymnastics, students can not only gain a good sports experience, but also further achieve the goal of physical exercise. Under the background of the new situation of education, China’s humanistic quality education is carried out in an all-round way. For the aerobics teaching in Colleges and universities, in order to deepen the reform of humanistic quality education and help students get better development, physical education teachers need to appropriately innovate the aerobics teaching model,So that students can more actively participate in aerobics.
How to Cite
Li, J. (2021). Discussion on the Infiltration Path of Humanistic Quality Education in Aerobics Teaching in Colleges and Universities. Learning & Education, 10(4), 174-175. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i4.2569


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