Face Recognition Algorithms Based on Deep Learning

  • Shurui Liu Sichuan Telecom
Article ID: 2560
Keywords: Face Recognition, Deep Learning


In recent years,technologies related to face recognition have achieved rapid development.The application of face recognition can be easily seen in daily life,especially used in technology companies.Based on deep learning(DL),this paper shows 4 characteristic open-source algorithms,which has better performance in LFW datasets.This paper also summarizes the future challenges and the next step of face recognition.Finally,with the progress of technology,data security brought by face recognition is also a point we need to consider.
How to Cite
Liu, S. (2021). Face Recognition Algorithms Based on Deep Learning. Learning & Education, 10(4), 156-157. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i4.2560


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