A Design on Blended Learning to Improve College English Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills

  • Jing Ji Kyungnam University, Department of English Education
Article ID: 2553
Keywords: Blended Learning, Higher-order Thinking Skill(HOTS), College English, Blended Teaching Design


With the rapid development of the information age, students’ learning and thinking have been greatly changed. The focus is to use current information to assist college English teaching, and break the limitations of traditional classroom teaching with modern information technology. At the same time, promote students’ autonomous learning, and cultivate students’ ability to discover, analyze and solve problems by themselves. The requirements of the new English curriculum fully reflect the importance of blended learning and higher-order thinking abilities. This study aims to promote College English Students’ higher-order thinking ability and clarify the design idea of mixed teaching mode supported by information environment. The paper analyzes the development situation of blended study mode,summarizes the design principle of blended study mode. It constructs the blended study design mode of training of higher-order thinking ability.
How to Cite
Ji, J. (2021). A Design on Blended Learning to Improve College English Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills. Learning & Education, 10(4), 142-143. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i4.2553


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