Analysis on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Tennis Teaching for PE Majors in Colleges and Universities

  • Shiqiang Su Taishan College
  • Jiahui Zhu Taishan College
Article ID: 2552
Keywords: Colleges and universities, Physical education, Tennis class, Teaching status, Countermeasures


Tennis, as a new sports activity, has been recognized and welcomed by the majority of students after being included in the college physical education curriculum catalogue. With the advancement of tennis education, the physical fitness and sports knowledge of college students have been obtained. With the obvious improvement, students have gradually established a positive lifelong sports concept. With the development of college education reform, tennis course teaching is also facing a situation of reform and innovation, so as to lay a good foundation for students’ tennis skills and knowledge learning.
How to Cite
Su, S., & Zhu, J. (2021). Analysis on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Tennis Teaching for PE Majors in Colleges and Universities. Learning & Education, 10(4), 140-141.


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