A Probe into the Educational Significance of Returning to the Spirit of Games in Physical Education Courses in Colleges and Universities

  • Yong Peng School of Physical Education, Taishan University
Article ID: 2551
Keywords: College sports, Game spirit, Educational significance


Under the guidance of quality education thinking, physical education is one of the important contents of many college professional courses compulsory and elective courses. However, due to the emergence of problems such as single teaching method and boring content, the actual effect of physical education teaching is unsatisfactory; Based on this, this article uses literature method, expert interview method, observation method and other research methods to deeply explore the value meaning of game spirit, and analyze the value of college physical education incorporating game spirit.
How to Cite
Peng, Y. (2021). A Probe into the Educational Significance of Returning to the Spirit of Games in Physical Education Courses in Colleges and Universities. Learning & Education, 10(4), 138-139. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i4.2551


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