Analysis on the Necessity and Problems of Media Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges

  • Sa Xiao Zibo Vocational College
Article ID: 2550
Keywords: College Finance, Media, Higher Vocational Colleges, Ideological and Political Education


From December 2018 to now, the national undergraduate colleges and higher vocational colleges have integrated forces to promote the construction of financial media, but only a few colleges and universities really form a scale and play a role, the majority of higher vocational colleges are still in exploration and practice. The era of integration media subverts the macro discourse system of cultural construction in higher vocational colleges and forms a student-centered discourse platform. As far as the cultural construction platform of higher vocational colleges in China is concerned, traditional media include school newspaper, official website, radio station, etc., which are diversified in form but not time-efficient and take a long time to produce. Emerging media forms include Microblog and wechat platforms. Although the word “micro†is in the forefront, it is in line with the taste of modern young people’s “fast food consumptionâ€, and avoids the shortcoming of traditional media’s long production time. Although fusion media dissolves the barriers of text, sound and picture in form, the characteristics of fusion media are not only limited to the simple superposition of traditional media and new media in form, but also the overall integration of ideas, manpower, material resources and terminal channels.
How to Cite
Xiao, S. (2021). Analysis on the Necessity and Problems of Media Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges. Learning & Education, 10(4), 136-137.


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