How to Promote HHU Internationalization of Post-pandemic Era under the Context of “ One Belt and Road” Initiative

  • Haihua Ying Hohai University
Article ID: 2547
Keywords: HHU, Internationalization, Post-pandemic era, “ One Belt and Road ” Initiative


Under the national implementation of the “One Belt and Road†initiative, higher education are diversified throughout the developing countries. Education internationalization has emerged to suit the desire of the global industry. Facing new opportunities and challenges by post-pandemic era, HHU ushers in international communication, collaboration and global consciousness. This research aims at four different approaches, as organizational approach, process approach, competency approach and activity approach, to analyze how to promote HHU internationalization.
How to Cite
Ying, H. (2021). How to Promote HHU Internationalization of Post-pandemic Era under the Context of “ One Belt and Road” Initiative. Learning & Education, 10(4), 130-131.


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