Research on the Necessity of Party History Education for Student Cadres in the New Era

  • Guang Li Shandong Jiaotong Universit
  • Hongxie Shan Shandong Jiaotong Universit
Article ID: 2545
Keywords: Student Cadres, New Era, Study of Party History


Based on the theoretical foundation of Xi Jinping’s new socialist theory and the strengthening of the party history education of college students in the new era, this paper analyzes the growth environment and background of university student cadres in the new era. Because of their lack of direct experience, this article expounds the necessity and significance of carrying out party history education for this purpose.
How to Cite
Li, G., & Shan, H. (2021). Research on the Necessity of Party History Education for Student Cadres in the New Era. Learning & Education, 10(4), 126-127.


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