Exploration and Practice of Sensor Teaching Reform Under Subject Integration

  • Zhaoxia Liu Beijing Union University
  • Linqing He Beijing Union University
  • Ming Lu Beijing Union University
  • Lin Xiao Beijing Union University
Article ID: 2539
Keywords: Subject integration, Sensor, OBE


Through the design of three major projects, the different subjects we had previously learned are integrated together such as electronic technology, C language, and single-chip technology. In-depth study of sensor courses at various levels allows students to break through the boundaries between disciplines of the subjects to learn the application of sensors and related new technologies. Establish an overall engineering viewing will comprehensively improve the comprehensive ability of students.
How to Cite
Liu, Z., He, L., Lu, M., & Xiao, L. (2021). Exploration and Practice of Sensor Teaching Reform Under Subject Integration. Learning & Education, 10(4), 103-106. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i4.2539


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