How to Innovate Teaching Management in Colleges and Universities Under the Information Environment

  • Han Wu Department of Educational Administration graduate school, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Dr. Thada Siththada Department of Educational Administration graduate school, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Article ID: 2522
Keywords: Informatization, Colleges and universities, Teaching management, Innovation model


With the rapid development of information technology, the information development level of higher education in China is higher and higher. In university management, information technology has been widely used and deeply integrated with university teaching management. Teaching management plays a very important role and value in higher education. The level of teaching management will directly affect the teaching effect. Therefore, the research on innovative teaching management in colleges and universities under the background of informatization has important value and significance. Based on this, this paper focuses on the analysis and discussion of innovative teaching management methods in colleges and universities under the information environment, so as to improve the level of innovative teaching management in colleges and universities, improve the level and quality of talent training in colleges and universities, and provide more excellent talent guarantee for social development.
How to Cite
Wu, H., & Siththada, D. T. (2021). How to Innovate Teaching Management in Colleges and Universities Under the Information Environment. Learning & Education, 10(4), 51-53.


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