Research on Adaptive Dust Detection Machine Based on Reinforcement Learning

  • Lingxin Xue Zhejiang Normal University College of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Yicheng Peng Zhejiang Normal University College of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Yiyi Sun Zhejiang Normal University College of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Yuchen Han Zhejiang Normal University College of Mathematics and Computer Science
Article ID: 2516
Keywords: Reinforcement learning, Adaptive, Dust detection system


In order to better improve the quality of dust detection,to save the cost,the economic research in the traditional dust testing machine as the carrier,the Internet of things,artificial intelligence,reinforcement learning,such as technology,introduced a set of adaptive dust detection machine system based on reinforcement learning,realize the dust continuous monitoring,and achieve accurate warning when dust exceeds the threshold,and automatically stop the machine operation.
How to Cite
Xue, L., Peng, Y., Sun, Y., & Han, Y. (2021). Research on Adaptive Dust Detection Machine Based on Reinforcement Learning. Learning & Education, 10(4), 35-36.


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