Study on Catalyst Combination for Ethanol Coupling to C4 Olefins Based on Multivariate Ridge Regression Model Fused With Radial Basis Function

  • Kehan Liu School of Statistics and Mathematics, Shanghai Lixin School of Accounting and Finance
  • Yichi Cao School of Statistics and Mathematics, Shanghai Lixin School of Accounting and Finance
  • Jin Shi School of Statistics and Mathematics, Shanghai Lixin School of Accounting and Finance
Article ID: 2514
Keywords: Ethanol, C4 olefin, Catalyst Combination, Multiple Regression Analysis


The effects of different catalyst combinations and temperatures on ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity were discussed.Firstly,the multivariate ridge regression model based on L2 penalty term is introduced,and the best estimation of ridge regression is obtained by using the least square method.However,ridge regression always regards this problem as a linear problem. In order to solve this problem,the radial basis function based on Gaussian kernel is introduced as the basic variable for model optimization.Finally,the model is solved and the results are obtained.
How to Cite
Liu, K., Cao, Y., & Shi, J. (2021). Study on Catalyst Combination for Ethanol Coupling to C4 Olefins Based on Multivariate Ridge Regression Model Fused With Radial Basis Function. Learning & Education, 10(4), 30-32.


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