Research on Female Consumers’ Impulsive Consumption Based on Perspective of Consumer Purchase Decision Model in Sichuan, China

  • Shaobin Wang North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2478
Keywords: Female Consumer, Impulsive Consumption, Consumer Buying Decision


This paper integrated and analyzed the impulsive buying behavior of Sichuan female consumers in three objectives: the factors that promote or inhibit the impulsive purchase decision-making process, influencing factors of marketing stimulation, and suggestions of improvement for existing business strategies. Combining relevant theories and the characteristics of the Chinese shopping environment constructed a theoretical model of the influence mechanism of female consumers’ impulsive buying decisions. In addition, herd psychology served as a moderating variable to observe whether it has a moderating effect on the original model.
How to Cite
Wang, S. (2021). Research on Female Consumers’ Impulsive Consumption Based on Perspective of Consumer Purchase Decision Model in Sichuan, China. Learning & Education, 10(3), 255-256.


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