Research on Online Game Marketing Strategy Based on Consumer Buying Intention in Guizhou of China

  • Shenghong Liu North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2473
Keywords: Online Marketing Strategy, Consumers’ Buying Intention, Online Game


With the rapid development of the online game industry, more and more enterprises have begun to attract more consumers to use their services and product. In Guizhou, the online game market could be one of the critical developments in the entertainment sector for the number of young consumers. This research focused on investigating how online marketing empowers consumers to market the products, study the various tools and techniques for influencing consumer purchasing decision and brand perception and suggest policies to game developers for game enhancement in the online game industry.
How to Cite
Liu, S. (2021). Research on Online Game Marketing Strategy Based on Consumer Buying Intention in Guizhou of China. Learning & Education, 10(3), 245-246.


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