The Design of Exercise Structure and Operation System of Higher Mathematics Under the Background of Educational Informationization

  • Lixun Zhu Jilin Jianzhu University
  • Dan Ding Jilin Jianzhu University
Article ID: 2447
Keywords: Informatization, Advanced mathematics, Problem sets, Design thinking


The teaching reform of higher mathematics has been paid much attention and achieved a lot of achievements. But people have not paid enough attention to the exercises and homework of higher mathematics. The exercises and homework of higher mathematics should not be ignored. It is an important aspect of teaching and learning of higher mathematics. The traditional higher mathematics homework is the students’ personal operation to do the exercises in the textbook after class. Practice has proved that these exercises are very necessary, but it is far from enough for homework to be limited to such exercises. In order to stimulate students’ interest in learning, encourage their confidence in learning and strengthen the spirit of cooperation among students, the structural design under the background of information is mainly adopted in enriching the forms of higher mathematics homework.
How to Cite
Zhu, L., & Ding, D. (2021). The Design of Exercise Structure and Operation System of Higher Mathematics Under the Background of Educational Informationization. Learning & Education, 10(3), 192-193.


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