The Empirical Study on Consumers’ Perception Through B2C Mobile E-Commerce Platform for Brand Equity in Sichuan

  • Xiong Zhang North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2433
Keywords: Customer Perception, B2C, Mobile E-Platform, and Brand Equity


The market scale of Internet users expanded rapidly, and Internet users had gradually become accustomed to obtaining all kinds of information and consumption, resulting in several Internet as the survival and development space of e-commerce platforms. Various brands provide consumers (Customer) with rich data, goods, and services through e-commerce platforms (Business), both B to C forms, to seek their development and growth.
How to Cite
Zhang, X. (2021). The Empirical Study on Consumers’ Perception Through B2C Mobile E-Commerce Platform for Brand Equity in Sichuan. Learning & Education, 10(3), 164-165.


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