Empirical Research on Cosmetic Lipstick Sales under C2C E-Commerce Platform for Consumers’ Buying Intention in Dazhou of China

  • Zhouping Ye North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2431
Keywords: Cosmetic Lipstick Sales, C2C E-Commerce, Consumer Buying Intention


With the development of e-commerce and the accelerating pace of work and life, more and more people accepted online shopping. The number of online users in China increased, and the mobile network platform had gradually matured with the acceleration of development in the C2C e-commerce transaction model. The paper mainly analyzed the challenges of developing cosmetic lipstick marketing in Dazhou City, then explored the influencing factors to purchase intention, and lastly suggested a promotional strategy regarding pre-and after-sales.
How to Cite
Ye, Z. (2021). Empirical Research on Cosmetic Lipstick Sales under C2C E-Commerce Platform for Consumers’ Buying Intention in Dazhou of China. Learning & Education, 10(3), 160-161. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i3.2431


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