Research on the Consumer Perception and Government Policies on Consumers’ Purchase Intention of NEV in Sichuan, China

  • Zheng Dong North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2425
Keywords: New Energy Vehicle, Purchase Intention, Government Policy


As a breakthrough in solving high carbon emissions from traditional fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles (NEV) showed great potential in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air pollution. They could also be an important opportunity for China’s automobile industry to transform its development direction. This study analyzed the Sichuan Government’s policy on sales of new energy vehicles. It explored consumer perceived value and perceived risk factors related to new energy vehicle purchase intention. The results showed the government policy, all perceived values, and most perceived risks having significant impacts on buying intention on new energy vehicle, except time risk due to the expectation of development process of new energy vehicle for taking more extended time in the automobile industry.
How to Cite
Dong, Z. (2021). Research on the Consumer Perception and Government Policies on Consumers’ Purchase Intention of NEV in Sichuan, China. Learning & Education, 10(3), 148-149.


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