The Analysis of the Flexible Quality Training of Tai Chi Athletes

  • Jianbing Zhang School of Physical Education, Jiangxi Normal University
Article ID: 2419
Keywords: Tai Chi, Flexibility, Training


In order to improve the performance of Taijiquan athletes, the training methods of flexibility and quality of Jiangxi athletes are discussed and researched. Finally, the pnf flexibility training method and thermal effect training method are selected to match the traditions of Taijiquan athletes in the Jiangxi Wushu sports team. Comparing the flexibility training methods, it is finally concluded that the traditional flexibility training methods of the Jiangxi Wushu Team Taijiquan athletes have fewer parts that can have an effect, and the training methods are relatively simple. The athletes have already developed adaptability to the traditional training methods. Produce better training effect. Through experiments, it is known that the combination of pnf training method and thermal effect training method can help improve the flexibility of athletes, and more parts are practiced, and the performance is greatly improved. It is recommended that the flexibility training of Jiangxi Wushu Team Taijiquan athletes should be used The pnf training method is used in combination with the thermal effect training method to better improve the athlete’s competitive performance.
How to Cite
Zhang, J. (2021). The Analysis of the Flexible Quality Training of Tai Chi Athletes. Learning & Education, 10(3), 136-137.


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