On the Translation of English and Chinese Idioms from the Perspective of Cultural Differences

  • Weijin Jiang Fuzhou Technology and Business University
Article ID: 2405
Keywords: Idioms, Differences, English, Chinese, Translation skills


As the elite of language and the crystallization of a nation’s culture and wisdom, idioms are a kind of peculiar and fixed expressions formed in language use. The translation of English and Chinese idioms has been occupying a significant place in translation area. This paper aims to probe into the cultural differences influencing the translation of these two different language idioms from the perspective of living environment, traditional custom and material culture. Besides, some translation skills of English and Chinese idioms are covered in this paper.
How to Cite
Jiang, W. (2021). On the Translation of English and Chinese Idioms from the Perspective of Cultural Differences. Learning & Education, 10(3), 103-105. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i3.2405


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