PHAST Based Influence Range Analysis of Ice Methanol Storage Tank Explosion

  • Xuefeng Tao City University of Hefei
Article ID: 2398
Keywords: Methanol, Explosion overpressure, Impulse, Explosion overpressure time


With the continuous development of alkali process to produce VC, methanol is an important raw material of the production process. Methanol is a dangerous chemical, and when mixed with air, it is easy to explode when met with heat source and open fire. Therefore, the storage of methanol is an important part of production safety. Therefore, based on the explosion accident of a company's ice methanol storage tank, this paper uses PHAST software of DNV GL in Norway to simulate the impact of the explosion of ice methanol storage tank on its nearest office building.
How to Cite
Tao, X. (2021). PHAST Based Influence Range Analysis of Ice Methanol Storage Tank Explosion. Learning & Education, 10(3), 82-84.


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