Research on Optimal Ordering Scheme of Raw Materials Based on Multi-Objective Programming Model

  • Jingqi Luo Northwest University
Article ID: 2397
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Multi Objective Planning, Ordering Scheme


By analyzing the characteristics of 402 suppliers,this paper formulates the optimal ordering scheme for enterprises according to different ordering objectives,and determines the maximum potential of enterprise capacity improvement by predicting the upper limit of suppliers’supply capacity.Firstly,we establish a multi-objective programming model aiming at the lowest cost,and then use genetic algorithm to determine the specific ordering scheme.Finally,through sensitivity analysis,it is found that the cost fluctuation under the optimal ordering scheme is within a certain range and does not change much.Combined with the distribution diagram of supplier completion rate,it can be seen that the completion rate of most suppliers is relatively stable.
How to Cite
Luo, J. (2021). Research on Optimal Ordering Scheme of Raw Materials Based on Multi-Objective Programming Model. Learning & Education, 10(3), 79-81.


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