Research on Manufacturer Supply Model Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

  • Xinkai Wang College of Aerospace, Shenyang Aerospace University
  • Bowen Pang College of Aerospace, Shenyang Aerospace University
  • Yaoyi Wang College of Aerospace, Shenyang Aerospace University
Article ID: 2394
Keywords: Multivariate linear function, Analytic hierarchy process


This paper studies the optimal solution model of manufacturer based on multivariate linear programming and analytic hierarchy process.Firstly,based on visual processing,the evaluation indexes are determined as supply quantity,full rate,stable rate and order times.Reasonably set the weight,evaluate 402suppliers and determine the 50 most important suppliers for the enterprise. Then,using the linear programming optimization method,the optimal solution of supplier selection without transportation loss is obtained.Finally,taking the full rate,loss variance and acceptance rate as the evaluation indexes,the transportation company with the lowest transportation loss is determined.Finally,the most economical material quantity actually needed by the production enterprise is calculated,and the supplier selection andtransportation company selection under the condition of loss are given.
How to Cite
Wang, X., Pang, B., & Wang, Y. (2021). Research on Manufacturer Supply Model Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process. Learning & Education, 10(3), 70-72.


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