Solution of Enterprise Ordering and Transportation Scheme Based on Planning Decision Model

  • Xu Gao Institute of Underwater Acoustic Engineering,Harbin Engineering University
  • Jing Liu College of Aerospace and Architectural Engineering,Harbin Engineering University
  • Licheng Sun Institute of Underwater Acoustic Engineering,Harbin Engineering University
Article ID: 2392
Keywords: TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation model, Entropy weight method


This paper mainly studies the ordering and transportation of raw materials in production enterprises.In order to improve production efficiency and meet the production needs of enterprises,it is necessary to formulate a scientific and reasonable ordering and transportation scheme.Firstly,this paper analyzes the data and arranges the total supply of 402 suppliers from large to small. It is found that the supply of the first 60 suppliers accounts for 99%of the total supply,and the other suppliers accounting for only 1% of the supply are of low importance to the enterprise.Then,this paper establishes the TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation model,formulates the three indicators of total supply,stability and dishonesty,objectively weights the evaluation model by using the entropy weight method,and finally selects the top 10 suppliers.
How to Cite
Gao, X., Liu, J., & Sun, L. (2021). Solution of Enterprise Ordering and Transportation Scheme Based on Planning Decision Model. Learning & Education, 10(3), 64-66.


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