Analysis on the Innovative Approaches of College English Translation Teaching Based on New Media Technology

  • Mengyuan Kou Qinghai Normal University
Article ID: 2386
Keywords: New media, Technology, Translation teaching, Innovative approach


Information technology is developing rapidly in China. New media technologies of different types and adapting to different environments continue to appear, and produce good application effects in various fields, so as to provide a solid backing for the development and innovation of China’s education industry. Specifically, English translation teaching and related activities in Colleges and universities, We can also see the role of new media technology in promoting innovation. When using new media technology, we should pay attention to its improvement on the depth and breadth of students’ thinking, and carry out thinking from the perspectives of application innovation, basic innovation, combined innovation and practical innovation, so as to finally provide support for the improvement of English translation teaching quality.
How to Cite
Kou, M. (2021). Analysis on the Innovative Approaches of College English Translation Teaching Based on New Media Technology. Learning & Education, 10(3), 44-45.


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