Considering the Efficacy and Suitability of Task-Based Learning in a Chinese High School English Class

  • Xiao Pan Loudi Infant Normal School
Article ID: 2384
Keywords: TBLT, Efficacy, Suitability, Chinese high school, English class


Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) refers to the use of tasks as the essential component of planning and instruction in language teaching. In TBLT, language learning becomes a process that provides many communicative opportunities for learners and primarily focuses on making meaning. Additionally, TBLT is a form of learner-centered teaching approach, in which learners learn the target language with self-motivated and task-based pair work or group work. Although TBLT have influenced English languages teaching throughout the world, with a number of Asian countries widely promoting TBLT in their English education policies, many difficulties have emerged with respect to implementing these methods in practice. In China, the ministry of national education proposed the new curriculum standard (2001), which clearly required application of task-based language teaching in to basic language teaching. However, many Chinese scholar argue that it is inadvisable to directly import and use Task-based language teaching in China, as this should be localized and teaching methods should be chosen flexibly. It is therefore important to apply these modern teaching methods with an exact and careful consideration of the cultural values and realistic environments.
How to Cite
Pan, X. (2021). Considering the Efficacy and Suitability of Task-Based Learning in a Chinese High School English Class. Learning & Education, 10(3), 38-39.


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