Research on the Construction and Service Mode Innovation of Open Mobile Knowledge Base in Higher Vocational Colleges

  • Chunguang Ding Technological Untversity Of The Philippines
Article ID: 2375
Keywords: Higher vocational colleges (HVCs), Open mobile knowledge base (OMKB), Service mode innovation


This article focuses on the construction of open mobile knowledge base (OMKB) in higher vocational colleges (HVCs), and adopts the methodologies of documental analysis, questionnaires, surveys and case studies to analyze OMKB in HVCs in China. Then, through the analysis of domestic and foreign data, it can be seen that the current storage volume of knowledge base of scientific research results in Chinese universities is far below the level of western developed countries. Conducting the construction of OMKB in HVCs can better comply with the trend of social development, meet the knowledge needs of the public, and form the complementarity between different institutions. However, in reality, there are still some problems and deficiencies in the OMKB service mode of HVCs, which emphasize information collection rather than knowledge application, paper literature rather than electronic data, on-campus service rather than social service, and existing knowledge rather than creative consciousness. Therefore, on the basis of full investigation and analysis, this paper proposes that the optimization path of the OMKB service mode in China›s HVCs is: exploring the joint mode of cooperation between universities and society, and operation and management, improving the system platform and funding sources, and making good storage and sharing of resources. The innovation of the OMKB service mode of HVCs in China can achieve the following: carrying out innovation and improvement, laying social foundation, promoting innovation of resource evaluation system, protecting the innovation of intellectual property mode, co-construction of the HVCs’ alliance knowledge base system innovation, technological innovation, - applying the advanced technology of CRIS, helping China’s HVCs’ knowledge base construction transformation and upgrading.
How to Cite
Ding, C. (2021). Research on the Construction and Service Mode Innovation of Open Mobile Knowledge Base in Higher Vocational Colleges. Learning & Education, 10(3), 5-9.


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