The Construction of College English Online Teaching from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education

  • Wei Zhou Dalian University of Science and Technology
  • Xiaojuan Yu Dalian University of Science and Technology
Article ID: 2280
Keywords: College English, Ideological and political education, Online teaching


Developing ideological and political education in online course is significant in implementing the fundamental task of cultivating talents with morality in the online teaching environment. College English should emphasize the ideological and political education based on inheriting Chinese spirit and culture while adhering to English language learning. This paper explores how to integrate ideological and political elements into online teaching design, and how to optimize the online teaching to promote College English course effectively.
How to Cite
Zhou, W., & Yu, X. (2021). The Construction of College English Online Teaching from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education. Learning & Education, 10(2), 82-83.


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