The Irregularities in the Correspondence of Sound and Symbol in English

  • Jiaying Li Beijing Forestry University School of Foreign Languages
Article ID: 2215
Keywords: Irregularities, Orthography, Great Vowel Shift, Dialects


In English, there is no simple sound-symbol correspondence system. One letter of the alphabet does not represent the same sound all the time, nor does a specific sound always find its representation in one letter of the alphabet. This inconsistency of English sound and its spelling symbols poses a great difficulty to L2 and foreign language learners. This study will look at the reasons for this problem of inconsistency; the manifestation of these inconsistencies and make some suggestions to ease the problem for second and foreign language learners.
How to Cite
Li, J. (2021). The Irregularities in the Correspondence of Sound and Symbol in English. Learning & Education, 10(1), 254-256.


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