Literary Linguistics Analysis of Yun He’s “Snow”

  • Li Jiang Department of Quality Education, Yibin Vocational and Technical College
Article ID: 2213
Keywords: Stylistic analysis, Symbolism, Yun He, Snow


Stylistics is the author’s linguistic study of the choice of words within a text for the reflection of authorial intent. Due to its widespread application, the aim of this research project was to stylistically analyze the poem “Snow†written by Yun He. He managed to shake off the older style and depicted the poignant aspects of life with a sophisticated set of skill in his poem. At the same time, he is also a poet with a clear self-consciousness and emphasizes the originality of the poem style. The findings revealed that “Snow†is a prose poem, which presents the author’s homesickness and his unfailing seeking for identity in a natural way. This analysis helps the reader to understand the theme of the poem that the snow represents his strong love for his beloved country and his unceasing effort to seek for belongings. The poem is symbolic, with simple diction but deep thoughts. Various stylistic devices like symbolism, hyperbole and lexicon cohesion are used in this ten-line stanza poem. Although the poem is short, it contains deeper connotations.
How to Cite
Jiang, L. (2021). Literary Linguistics Analysis of Yun He’s “Snow”. Learning & Education, 10(1), 249-250.


[1] Geoffrey N.Leech A linguistic Guide to English Poetry Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.