On the Revelation of Female Group Portrait in the Movie “Rebecca”

  • Ruiqi Ming Chongqing Sichuan International Study University
Article ID: 2202
Keywords: Film, “Rebecca”, Portraits of women


The film “Rebecca†is a representative work of Alfred Hitchcock, which perfectly shows the unique charm of the literary work Rebecca with its unique film technique. The female characters in the original novel have distinct personalities and are of great symbolic significance, while the interpretation of female images in the film “Rebecca†is just perfect. On the basis of predecessors’ research. This article analyses how the movie “Rebecca†reveal the portraits of women, through the film unfolds, the contrast conflict in the film, black and white image. These three aspects will further reveal the women’s group portrait film, not only has a more profound ponder portraits of the characters, but also further explores the film related techniques, highlighting the symbolism and epochal nature of its female group portraits.
How to Cite
Ming, R. (2021). On the Revelation of Female Group Portrait in the Movie “Rebecca”. Learning & Education, 10(1), 218-220. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2202


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