To See the Visibility of Painting

  • Wenlei Hu Nanjing University
Article ID: 2193
Keywords: Painting, Representation, Mode, Visibility and invisibility


The present paper deems painting as a type of visible representation with the aim of revealing its invisibility beyond its representation. With regard to the expression modes of painting representation, three types of modes are highlighted in the present paper: the first is the optical illusion mode, the second is the pure non-referential flatness mode, and the third refers to the postmodern mode featuring the use of daily symbols. Consequently, this paper sought to describe the visibility and invisibility of painting representation.
How to Cite
Hu, W. (2021). To See the Visibility of Painting. Learning & Education, 10(1), 197-199.


[1] Lacan Collection, France, written by Jacques Lacan, translated by Xiaoquan Zhu, [G]Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, the first version in January 2001, P90-91.

[2] Jasper Jones, written by Isabel Rowling Wallace, translated by Yong Yan,[M] Guangxi Normal University Press, the first version in June 2015, P9.

[3] De l’existence à l’existant, written by Emmanuel Levinas, translated by Huiyi Wu, proofread by Heng Wang,[M] Jiangsu Education Press, the first version in October 2006, P11.