On Encouraging Higher Order Thinking in English Class of Junior Middle School in China

  • Ying Xu University of Aberdeen
Article ID: 2186
Keywords: Chinese junior middle school students, Thinking level, English teaching, Thinking ability


Thinking ability is one of the basic abilities that talents should have, and the cultivation of students’ thinking ability is a particularly important issue in English teaching. Reasonable teaching plays an important part in the development of thinking. Therefore, it is necessary in order to develop students’ thinking ability in English teaching. English teaching has a decisive influence on students’ thinking ability. It is not only conducive to improving students’ English knowledge reserve, but also to improve students’ thinking ability. In this dissertation, the author on the basis of the revised version of the bloom target classification, studys how junior middle school English teaching effects Chinese junior middle school students’ cognitive level of thinking development, as well as the current problems in the process of education, and in the process of English teaching provides an effective way to promote to cultivate the students’ thinking level.
How to Cite
Xu, Y. (2021). On Encouraging Higher Order Thinking in English Class of Junior Middle School in China. Learning & Education, 10(1), 181-184. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2186


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