Discussion on the Path of Delegating the Right to Use the Living House Base from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization

  • Yibin Yang Department of Law, Xinxiang Engineering College
  • Shourui Ma Department of Law, Xinxiang Engineering College
Article ID: 2182
Keywords: Rural Revitalization, The right to use homestead should be liberalized, Connotation, Dilemma, Break the game


In order to implement the spirit of Rural Revitalization policy documents and Promote Rural Revitalization Strategy by liberalizing the right to use homestead, we should deeply analyze the connotation of liberalizing the right to use homestead, clarify the value of liberalizing the right to use homestead, investigate the practice of liberalizing the right to use homestead in pilot counties, and then clarify the path of liberalizing the right to use homestead.
How to Cite
Yang, Y., & Ma, S. (2021). Discussion on the Path of Delegating the Right to Use the Living House Base from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization. Learning & Education, 10(1), 171-172. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2182


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