Discussion on Advanced Microsoft Office

  • Yunzhi Jiang Guangdong Technical Normal University
  • Xinhong Song Traditional Chinese Medicine University Of Guangzhou
Article ID: 2180
Keywords: Microsoft Office teaching, Public selection class, Micro - class


Microsoft Office advanced application course is very important for students ' study, scientific research and daily office after work, so it is necessary for universities to offer public selected courses for students with non - computer majors. First, the course content is divided into five modules: computer basic knowledge module, operation skills module of WORD, operation skills module of EXCEL, operation skills module of PPT, operation skills module of Office document security and VBA application module. Then it mainly discusses the setting scheme of the curriculum content, the effective way of the course assessment, the problems existing in the process of teachers 'teaching and students' learning, and gives the corresponding solution strategies. Finally, we give some summary of the public selection course teaching experience.
How to Cite
Jiang, Y., & Song, X. (2021). Discussion on Advanced Microsoft Office. Learning & Education, 10(1), 167-168. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2180


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