Motivation and Motivating in Second Language Acquisition: A Literature Review

  • Quan Hu Wuhan Business University
Article ID: 2179
Keywords: L2 Motivation, Motivational Strategies, Literature Review, Second Language Acquisition


In the field of second language acquisition, motivation has always been considered as a crucial element in second language learning and achievement. Few pieces of research, however, have been conducted to analyse motivational techniques, even fewer have focused on empirical studies concerning the effectiveness of motivational strategies. To fill the gap, this review aims to update major literature of motivation from both theoretical and practical perspectives, especially focusing on the effectiveness of motivational strategies applied in the classroom. Suggestions concerning further research directions are also provided.
How to Cite
Hu, Q. (2021). Motivation and Motivating in Second Language Acquisition: A Literature Review. Learning & Education, 10(1), 165-166.


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