The Application of Thinking Map Method in the Chemistry Teaching of University——Take Chemical Equilibrium as an Example

  • Juan Gao Zibo Vocational College Department of Chemical Engineering
Article ID: 2178
Keywords: Mind map, College chemistry teaching, Chemical equilibrium, Application


The application of thought map in university chemistry teaching is helpful to help students to sort out the chemical knowledge, make the complex knowledge clear and concrete, stimulate the students' enthusiasm for study and promote the students to grasp the chemical knowledge quickly. Chemical balance is an important part of Chemistry Teaching in University, and also the basis of students' learning chemistry knowledge. In the chemical balance teaching, the application of thinking map can make the knowledge systematic, organized and improve the teaching efficiency. Based on the teaching content of chemical balance, this paper analyzes the application of mind map in college chemistry
How to Cite
Gao, J. (2021). The Application of Thinking Map Method in the Chemistry Teaching of University——Take Chemical Equilibrium as an Example. Learning & Education, 10(1), 163-164.


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